Can you put 2 beehives next to each other?

As my backyard apiary began growing beyond just a couple hives, an important practical question arose – how closely together can I physically place multiple beehives in the same location without causing issues? While it’s tempting to cluster hives tightly together to maximize efficient use of limited space, having them spaced too near inevitably leads …

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How Far Should a Beehive Be From Your House?

As a backyard beekeeper, one key decision I faced when first establishing my apiary was how far the beehives should be positioned from my house and high-traffic living areas. While it’s tempting to site hives in the most convenient locations, proximity to human spaces brings some risk of defensive bees interacting with people. So after …

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What Is the First Rule of Beekeeping? Don’t Be Afraid

As an avid beekeeper for over 20 years, I’m often asked by beginners what is the one most important fundamental rule of beekeeping that serves as the foundation for everything else. What is that “first rule” that all other guidance builds upon? After two decades of experience nurturing hundreds of hives, I believe the singular …

What Is the First Rule of Beekeeping? Don’t Be Afraid Read More »

Do beekeepers get stung?

Do Beekeepers Get Stung? The Reality of Working With Bees

There’s often a perception that beekeepers must get stung all the time since they work closely with swarms of buzzing bees. Movies and TV shows frequently depict beekeepers covered in bees and being stung repeatedly. In reality though, experienced beekeepers understand how to carefully handle hives and avoid getting excessive stings. While an occasional sting …

Do Beekeepers Get Stung? The Reality of Working With Bees Read More »

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